Sunday, August 26, 2007

Lighter Nights

I have noticed tonight as i looked out of the bar during happy hour that the evenings are getting lighter. Just six weeks ago it was getting dark at 5.20pm but it has now increased up to 6pm. That 40 minutes makes a difference i think. To top that the first of the daffodils have started to bloom. The past few days have started to warm up as well with todays temperatures topping 19c and treating us to lots and lots of sun. The nights are still frosty though.

Tomorrow we are expecting much the same weatherwise so im going to spend the day in the city centre chilling out. I might even have a beer or two.


At 12:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the day is getting longer huh!, but i feel that the temperature is getting colder.

At 2:15 AM, Blogger RIC said...

Right now it's a bit cloudy around here... We've had a light thunder storm in the morning, and the temperature is now around 23ºC, not at all impressive for August...
Having a beer or two even in winter is quite... tasty, I'd say. I like beer very much, but not much beer!
Enjoy your weekend, dear Kevin!
Um abraço de Lisboa! :-)

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Donnie said...

As your days are getting longer....mine are getting shorter. I don't mind the shorter days as long as the cool weather comes with it.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Apteryx said...

Email me and we'll have a blogger meetup one of these days.

At 2:10 PM, Blogger Sh@ney said...

Hiya Kev, Just checking in to see if all is groovy with you my friend...Not been myself of late, but it happens huh!
Have fun, be safe & enjoy the longer days...Have a beer for me!

At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As you look forward to the flowers, I am looking forward to our fall colors. Our days are shorter now.


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