Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Anti Smacking Bill

There has been a lot of controversy here in New Zealand at the moment. The government is within a couple of weeks of getting a Anti-Smacking Bill through parliament which means that no one including parents are allowed to smack their children. In reality, it means that parents are not to use unreasonable force on their kids! Now im neither a supporter or against the bill but interestingly the people who wish smacking to continue are the CHRISTIAN Groups. In fact their is a big rally in town against the bill tomorrow and it is organised by christian groups.

Now im not meaning to beat up on Christian groups in any way but i thought that they would have been anti violence, anti war and anti smacking but No. I would have also thought that violence in the family would have been in conflict with christian values but i guess i just may be mistaken.

Oh well guys, as long as the bill doesnt stop smacking in the bedroom between two consenting adults!!


At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, there are many groups who lacking other justification for their views adopt and promote the label "Christian". Their ideals and issues do not reflect the faith but rather their own agendas.

As for smacking in the bedroom (or other dark places) between consenting adults (particularly males), I feel a need for urgent personal hands-on exploration and investigation of this issue before I finally make up my mind. I would warn you that I would demand that the investigation be quite thorough. It may take hours, days, or even years to explore fully.

At 2:59 AM, Blogger Doug said...

Gotta love government interference.

I'm not for or against smacking. I'm definitely against a law about it. Discipline is required, and a good smack is sometimes the only thing that will suffice.

Just say no to smack. Oh, wait, that's another topic.

At 4:53 AM, Blogger CondoBlogger said...

I thought this was going to be a post about Happy Slapping. I know there are laws in the works in GB to try and stop that fad.

As for wether or not a parent should be able to smack a kid... wow... Not a parent here, don't want to be one... so I guess I really shouldn't have an opinion.

At 9:11 AM, Blogger cb said...

That's seriously fucked up. How else do you think you can manage children unless you smack their ass every so often when they are out of line??

At 10:59 AM, Blogger Doug said...

I think I want to start a bill for Pro Smacking. One that will allow you to not only smack your own children, but also other children you find annoying. There would be a whole lotta smacking going on!

At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is a difference in smacking and pounding. I was smacked as a kid and turned out fine. (matter of opinion lol) When I was smacked, it never ever left a mark...the idea was worse than the smack itself.

At 8:47 AM, Blogger Donnie said...

That's terrible! Growing up, the treat of a good smack on the ass was always the 'incentive' to behave. I have a feeling that kids will just get worse without corporal punishment.


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